Easily Grow Kitchen Edibles for Year-Round Enjoyment

Countertop Gardens

Whether you have a huge yard in a warm climate or a tiny apartment in a city with harsh winters, you can grow edibles year-round in the comfort and convenience of your own kitchen!

Countertop Gardens will make you an expert in the world of indoor gardening, walking you through the challenges, benefits, and how-tos of growing inside and presenting the wide array of methods available. In addition to going over the pros and cons of a wide range of ready-made hydroponic, aquaponic, and vertical gardening systems, author Shelley Levis shows you how to make your own DIY setups--from simple space-saving container designs to more creative and complex soil-free solutions. 

No matter the size of your kitchen or your ambition, Countertop Gardens will help you make sure your favorite herbs, greens, fruits, and vegetables are within reach 365 days a year!

Photo by Sunblaster Lighting

Inside This Book

Understand basic needs for growing indoors

Hydroponics and Aquaponics for the beginner

Choosing plant varieties that grow well indoors

Learn about growing devices available today

Product reviews from trials

Easy DIY's that anyone can do

In the writing of Countertop Gardens, various products and devices available were put to the test in trials by the author. Honest feedback and the overall experience is shared along with some tips for successful growing using the various devices. 

Learn what you should be looking for when deciding to purchase a growing device and how you can grow kitchen edibles in just a few square inches on your countertop!

Your questions answered:

"Which plant varieties grow well indoors?" 

"What does aquaponics mean?"

"What materials do I need for hydroponic growing?"

"What lighting options are available?"

"How can I make my own indoor growing devices?"

Take the guesswork out of selecting the right device and method for you. Countertop Gardens will help you identify your specific growing situation, choose products best used for home gardeners and provide reviews of the most popular countertop growing devices available today.
Release date July 2018
Available for Pre-Order Now!

Photos: Amber Breen Photography / Sunblaster Lighting

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Shelley Levis

Speaker, Writer, Gardenprenuer. Making the world more beautiful one plant at a time. My mission is to inspire others to get growing and to think outside the pot!


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