Garden Junk Art.

Everyone has junk, and some of it can be re-purposed, re-used, and or recycled into useful or even pretty objects for your garden. Lets start with broken or rusty old tools.

 future garden bed

This old pigeon coop (someday greenhouse project) is an eyesore to the beautiful vegi’s growing below it. Every year I plant sunflowers along the back that grow tall and hide this ugly wall from view. However, after a long battle with the slugs this year, I have given up the hope of achieving that.

Then I popped in some ornamental corn seedlings…. and the first night they were put into their new home, a wind storm came along and snapped off all the tops.  I quickly realized this wall wasn’t going to look as glorious as years past.

So instead of spending the rest of the summer seething over slimy foes and invisible forces of nature, I decided it was high time I decorate that wall and turn it into a pretty focal point instead. For the last year I considered doing stencils on the doors, kicked around the idea of the mirrored wall art, thought about hanging baskets etc. But then I got an idea to search around my potting shed and look for some good ol’ junk I could transform into garden junk art.

I saw an article on Urban Sustainable Living  on painting the heads of old tools. So I went with my color scheme this year….pink, Chartreuse, and blue ( for the back yard )…and bought some RustOleum spray paint. I did treat these tools with a special rust treatment film prior to this, but you can primer them if you really want to make the paint last. I used a piece of card board to cover over the handle while I sprayed but masking it off would be just as easy.

 Garden Junk Art


There was a couple of empty paint cans so I removed the labels, cleaned them out, popped a few holes in the bottom and gave them a coat of paint. These made perfect hanging planters.


Recycled Paint Can









Garden Junk Art

I transplanted the few corns and sunflowers that survived to the center area to cover up the windows but in the meantime, I have something fun and fresh to look at. Those fancy schmancy dragonflies are made out of recycled materials too….you’ll never guess what those are…. find out here: Dragonfly Garden Art

garden junk art

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Peace Love Garden