Herb Cheese Stuffed Nasturtiums Recipe
I have been dreaming for these beauties to start blooming and the day has finally come! It started out with one today, one tomorrow… but I needed at least 6 to bloom all the same time because I knew that once I made these delicious morsels, one would NOT be enough!
These beloved heirloom flowers have been around for a long time and are even poo pooed in circles as being ‘too common’. Not for this garden geek… I got over 8 different varieties growing in my garden this year and the fun is tasting them all!
Wow your friends and family with this simple recipe this summer and everyone will think you are a garden diva!
Picking these is easy, just remove the flower with it’s stem down to it’s connection on the plant… you don’t want a bunch of yellowing stems left behind after you pick the flower.
Because aphids do love these flowers as much as we do, it’s a good idea to dunk them into some cool water and let them sit a bit so any hiding inside release and float to the top. Just gently shake out the water and place carefully between two damp paper towels in a container in the fridge if you are not stuffing them right away.
I used fresh Chevre from Milner Valley Goat Cheese, but a cream cheese will work just as well if you prefer something a little sweeter and not as tart. Add finely chopped herbs to the cheese, with a little salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.
Remove the stamens from the middle of the flower (the pollen producing parts). The reason for this is for those people who suffer from seasonal allergies, just so they don’t have a reaction.
Put a small dollop, about a teaspoon, into each flower and serve. You could try many combo’s of herbs: fresh thyme and parsley, mint and cilantro or do what I did and use chives and dill.
Herb Cheese Stuffed Nasturtiums Recipe
- 12 Nasturtium Flowers
- 1/2 Cup of cream cheese or soft goat cheese
- A tablespoon of two different herbs ( Dill and Chives for example )
- Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper
What do they taste like? Amazing! Different Nasturtium varieties have a degree of spiciness… it’s kind of similar to mustard greens or arugula. Just be sure to grow your Nasturtiums from seed you trust to avoid any pesticides or chemical based fertilizers that the plants may have been exposed to at a nursery.
I got all of mine from Renee’s Seeds….

Photo Courtesy of Renees Seeds
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