Hens and chicks produce tons of babies on runners. These can be snipped off and used to create this adorable mini succulent Christmas tree. Trimmings from other less hardier succulents can be used as well if you have some. 

Once you have collected your cuttings, it’s a good idea to let the snipped ends scab over. Clean the chicks by removing soil and the dried leaves from the bottom. Then let them dry out for at least 1 or 2 days.


Cut a square of chicken wire in the approximate size of the cone you will want to form for your Christmas tree. The larger the cone, the more succulent cuttings you will require. Be mindful of the circumference of the pot, this will be how big the bottom of your cone should be.

Spread out a layer of moss in as complete a sheet as you can. It’s much better to have a solid matt of moss than little loose tufts when creating this form. Top with an indoor soil mix. 

Proceed to roll the cone like a long funnel attaching the cut bits of wire to the other side of the cone by pinching the wire over the edge of the frame. 

For bigger cuttings, use ferning or florist pins to secure to the moss form. For smaller chicks, a hot blue gun will secure these to the moss quite easily.

Once you have your form, insert a small stake into the centre of your pot filled with pebbles or sand for stability. Carefully invert your cone form over the stake and down into the pot. Leave at least an inch free of sand or pebbles at the top of the pot so that the cone can be firmly pressed down.

Place the larger cuttings first around in random spots on the cone and begin to fill in the spaces between them with the smaller cuttings.

Cut the berries off of a faux cranberry pick and glue these in randomly around the form in between the succulents.
Top your tree with a few more berries or add an adorable mini red Cardinal.

The succulent cuttings will eventually root into the moss. You will not need to water very often, but when you do, put the cone in the sink and gently run water over the cone to moisten the moss. This will encourage the succulents to root.
Use can choose to continue growing the tree with all the cuttings attached removing babies as they grow or take apart the cone in a couple of months to add to your garden.

Merry Christmas!

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Shelley Levis

Speaker, Writer, Gardenprenuer. Making the world more beautiful one plant at a time. My mission is to inspire others to get growing and to think outside the pot!


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