Meditation is our soul time. Connecting with nature also feeds our spirits so combining the two only makes sense. Here are some suggestions of plants to balance the Root Chakra that you could incorporate into your garden.
Chakra refers to the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. These wheels of energy are believed to spin at different spots along the spine. Although they are aligned with the spine, they spin throughout our core to both sides.
There are 7 main Chakras and many more according to some belief systems. Each Chakra has its own colour, like that of the rainbow. To understand more about how light = colour energy, read the post about Colour Therapy
The wheels of energy vary with each individual and factors such as physical conditions, energy levels, stress, and disease can affect them. They can become unbalanced or blocked resulting in many physical symptoms as well as emotional. Maintaining a balanced Chakra system is vital to our health and well being.

Muladhara -The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic plexus along the first 3 vertebrae. The feeling of being safe and grounded is associated with this Chakra. It is the foundation from which we build our life and expand.
The Root Chakra governs:
- Grounding
- Security/Safety
- Financial and Housing Concerns
- Survival
- Stability, basic needs (food, water, shelter)
Each Chakra is linked to several different areas of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. They govern over specific areas of our bodies, correspond with our senses, and rule over certain emotions.They are also associated with elements, spirit animals, planets, gem stones and crystals and astrological signs.
The Root Chakra is associated with:
Symbol- 4 Petal Lotus
Element- Earth
Planet- Saturn
Animal Symbol- Elephant
Astrological Symbol(s)- Capricorn and Aquarius
Gem Stones- Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, Obsidian
Physical– Feet, legs, tail bone, rectum, kidneys, immune system
Psychological- Survival and Preservation
Identity– Physical Self
Sense- Smell
Right- To have- I AM
Colour– Red

A happy balanced Chakra allows us to experience and express our authentic selves. We are able to find inner peace, tap into our creativity and use our personal powers to achieve our highest aspirations.
The Root Chakra is also known as the Earth Chakra. It deals with survival and our primal needs at a base level. It can become blocked by fear which is mostly made up in our minds. Fear of losing a job (income), losing your home (security), or even fear of losing someone we love (support) can affect how we function in the world and in our day to day lives.
Letting go of fearful futures that have not happened yet is essential. This requires putting your faith into the unknown and trusting that in this moment, which is the only thing that is really real, everything is okay and you are safe.
Root Chakra Traits:
Balanced– Assertiveness, Courageous, Enthusiasm, Strong Will, Leadership, Extrovert, Forgiving, Secure
Unbalanced- Angry, mistrusting, self-pity, arrogant, fearful, worrying
Physical Ailments– Problems with bowels, menstrual cycle, feet and legs, sleeplessness

There are literally thousands of red flowering plants you could use in your flower meditation for balancing your Root Chakra. Be sure to check out the many garden themes suggested in the Chakra Gardening Category.
This new series is just beginning so be sure to check back over the next several months as I release new posts.
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For this first post on Root Chakra Plants, we will focus on the first quarter of the year and take a look at plants that bloom from January to April.
Flowering Shrubs for the Root Chakra
The Hibiscus blossom has been celebrated by many cultures for thousands of years. In some cultures it symbolizes the beauty of women and young unwed girls often wore them as a symbol that they were available for marriage.
However, there is also an ancient story that goes back to the Archetype, Hi’iaka-I-Ka-Poli-O-Pele. Hi’iaka is the supreme goddess of the Hula and daughter of the Earth Mother Goddess Haumea.
Her and her sister Pele represent the fire and explosive energy of the volcano. The flaming swirls are symbolically represented through the dance of the Hula, swaying the hips and flowing with the rhythm of the cosmos while grounding us to the Earth.
Hibiscus encourages us to feel safe, open and grounded within our place in the universe. It unblocks and stimulates the Root and Sacral Chakras and encourages sensuality, sexuality and passion.

This shrub is one of the first to flower in late winter / early spring making it ideal for a Seasonal Chakra Garden. Creating a ‘calendar’ Chakra garden is a unique idea in which you use each month to focus on working with a chakra, spending time in the garden and allowing energetic scars to be released so rebalancing can take place.
I will design a hedgerow for this purpose in a future post, but for now let’s examine Camellia’s healing powers.
Camellias represent perfection and longevity as well as stimulates passion and desires. In addition to its beauty, Camellia Sinensis is also used commonly for tea! How wonderful would it be to brew a cup of steaming tea harvested from this plant, walk out into your late winter garden and enjoy the essence of its blossoms? What an incredible way of connecting and grounding with our Earth mother when temperatures would otherwise keep you inside.

Witch Hazel (Red Flowering Variety)
Hamamelis and its tender cousin Loropetalum have several red blooming varieties that put on a show in late winter early spring.
Witch Hazel gets its name from old english wise meaning pliable. Its slender branches have been used as divining rods to find water. Perfect plant for grounding the root chakra!
In addition, Hamamelis has been used medicinally for cuts and skin irritations. I use witch hazel in combination with my essential oils for all kinds of sprays and natural beauty products in my home.

Other Red Flowering Shrubs
Ribes Sanguineum
Red Flowering Currant is a delight in spring with its nutritious berries. This shrub is perfect for a natural garden and is best placed in a corner where it will become a focal point.

Pieris Japonica ‘Valley Valentine’
If shade is an issue for you, this plant is a great pick for late winter blooms has dainty panicles of long lasting dusty red flowers.
Rhododendrons and Azaleas
Many Rhodo’s and Azaleas bloom early spring and can range from shrubs to beautifully shaped umbrella like small trees. They range from zones 5-9 and are tolerant of sun and shade.
Consider this shrub if you are thinking of anchoring a hedgerow or looking for a special feature.

Perennials and Bulbs for the Root Chakra
Red Tulips
While different coloured tulips will have different symbolic meanings, most of these descriptions are associated with the floral industry and not specifically meant in an energetic way. Hallmark holidays give the flower growers plenty of ways to market their crops.
Tulips are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. In this act of returning from the ground every year, the tulip represents a fresh start that can happen again and again. It is also believed to bring prosperity and success, two important values reflected in the root Chakra.
Finally, tulips convey hope, idealism and perfection. Understanding that we are exactly where we should be and that we are perfect just the way we are is the goal of the Root Chakra.

Hellebore (Lenten Rose)
This winter flowering plant is one of the first blooming perennials. Some varieties will bloom in the winter garden before Christmas while others put on their show throughout January into March. Hellebores are poisonous although they were used extensively in ancient herbal remedies.
They symbolize protection and were used in magic spells to invoke invisibility.
When hellebores bloom, their heads look to the ground. As they age, they fade and lift their heads towards the sky. Perhaps this flower wants to remind us that although we are firmly rooted to the earth, our goal is to ascend towards the cosmos.

Annual Flowers for Root Chakra
Seasonal colour in early spring brings us out of our winter slumber. Their bright cheeriness stirs an awakening and are perfect for setting our intentions for the rest of the year.
Gorgeous colour that is easy to fit into planters and patio containers. They have a wonderful scent so not only do you reap the benefits of the colour therapy they offer, the aromatherapy is an added bonus.

Delightful pansies have a playful energy and are a staple for spring gardens. Their large blooming faces sit just above the leaves on delicate stems reminding us to keep our head up and smile at the world.

Vibrational remedies balance inharmonies on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. ~ Maya Cointreau
As in any meditation practice, set up your space for dedicated soul time. To see more on how to create a garden space intended for meditation, visit my post How to create a meditation garden for some design tips.
Once you have everything in place, it’s time to focus on the energy of the flower and establish the connection. When you are ready, use the steps described in the post How to use Flower Energy for Meditation to begin your practice.
Find all Chakra posts in the Chakra Gardening Category

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